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Power BI
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Studio Intelligence
Microsoft Power BI Consultants in Dublin

If you are looking to work with a group of highly dedicated BI experts, based in Dublin, Ireland, who are fast, effective, and know their stuff - then that’s our calling card.    


Having worked with Microsoft Power BI and other business intelligence technologies for many years, we really know our way around the Microsoft Data Stack - from Power BI, Embedded Power BI, SQL, Tabular, Advanced DAX, Excel and of course SharePoint & Azure, we are here to help you deliver a solution, using the most appropriate and cost effective approach possible.


Chances are you are already using Microsoft Power BI, but perhaps you want to scale it within your organization, link it in with some legacy systems, embed it in your website or customer portal, manipulate datasets into a more insightful structure.  We specialise in working with you to build these robust, live or close-to-live, online systems with an overall simple goal: wow your audience. 

Get in touch eMail:


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At Studio Intelligence we offer a range of training on Microsoft Power BI and related technologies, ranging from introduction to Power BI for non developers, to developer training and advanced SQL Tabular training


  • Power BI : For Non Developers

  • Power BI : Developer Training

  • Power BI : Advanced

  • SSAS Tabular & DAX


If you would like to hear more about training please drop us an email at and we will be happy to outline the sorts of in-house training we offer.








How can you create a distinguishing advantage that will wow your customers? 


How do you disrupt the status quo?


Can you convert data to bottom line profit?



... from data ...

Is your business data rich but insight poor?


We already own much of the information we need to improve our business, enhance customer acquisition and retention, and boost our bottom line. The trouble is all of that crucial business knowledge is well and truly buried.


Businesses are awash in a tsunami of data. We’re generating more of it than ever before, and we’re holding on to it for longer “just in case”. It’s a phenomenon that’s accelerating year-on-year, with experts predicting a staggering 4,300% increase in annual data production between now and 2020.


But all that data can only become knowledge if we extract it, consolidate it and interpret it… knowledge

Knowledge as a source of competitive advantage...


There’s truth in the age old maxim that knowledge is power. Nowhere is that more apparent than in the business arena. Making informed decisions based on real data, not guesswork, means you can deliver better services to your customers, improve efficiency and adapt seamlessly to the ever-shifting vagaries of an unpredictable market.


With knowledge you can keep your organisation nimble, stay at least one step ahead of the competition and be ready for whatever the future holds.


But where do you find the knowledge you need?

The 7 insights hidden in your data, that will accelerate your business well beyond the competition.

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Our Approach

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We are a specialist software development company that offer turnkey business intelligence solution for clients.


We help companies by using state of the art innovative software that allows our clients to transform meaningless data into a tangible competitive advantage.  


No more “one size fits all” reporting -- each department gets its own view of your business intelligence data, featuring the metrics and reports they need to do their job more effectively.


The study of data with tools to transform, analyze, and visualize your data.

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The data analysis conundrum spans all industries, but naturally the needs of different industries vary when it comes to tracking metrics and insights.


That’s why we tailor your visual dashboard solutions to specific sectors including Financial Services, Retail, Airline, Manufacturing, Software, Technology,  Telecommunications, Energy and more.


You get real-time high-level visual overviews of your key business metrics, with interactive one-click access to more detailed views, insights and reports.



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With our state of the art software we provide interactive visual dashboard tailored to your needs.


Access your data from anywhere and any time, easily share dashboards within your organisation, and even make them available externally to partners and customers by securely embedding them in a web-page or app.


We use world class technologies such as Microsoft Power BI, along with many other specialist technologies and custom built solutions. 



We have a range of clients in various areas ranging from financial services, technology, industry and many others. 


Your industry generates a huge amount of information every day.  We can help you to turn your data into smart powerful decisions based on knowledge and insight.  


Tel: +353 1 254 8808


Studio Intelligence

28 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2, Ireland

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